March 2022
Dear Cedar Mar Yacht Club members,
It is my pleasure to announce to you that at a recent meeting of the Bridge and Board of the Cedar Mar Yacht Club, the B&B has created a new category of membership...Lifetime Membership. It is reserved for those special members who have demonstrated extraordinary service to the club. Lifetime members enjoy all the privileges of membership without to pay dues and are eligible for member prices at all CMYC events. Lifetime members may not hold or run for any office. The B&B has decided that Jerry and Gail Raznov have met the criteria of providing extraordinary service by serving as Commodores of the club during the years 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and rebuilding the membership to a highly sustainable level. As such, the Bridge & Board has conferred Lifetime Membership status to Jerry and Gail for their extraordinary service. On behalf of the Bridge and Board of the Cedar Mar Yacht Club, I would like to thank Jerry & Gail and congratulate them on this first-of-a- kind honor.